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Savings Alert! Explore DTDC Australias Latest Rates for Excess Baggage from India to Australia

DTDC Australia's Exclusive Rates for Excess Baggage From India to Australia!

We hope this communication finds you in good health. We at DTDC Australia are thrilled to provide our Excess Baggage Courier Service, which is intended to offer a dependable and easy way to send extra luggage from India to Australia. We are now offering new and discounted price for shipping additional baggage from India to Australia, which will make the procedure both seamless and cost-effective for you. 

We want you to travel light by leaving all the stress of the journey and carrying only joy and fun with you. Juggling all that luggage can be a challenging task for anyone; believe us, you would not want that. Also, you might need to be provided with complete baggage assistance when you land after carrying all your loads on your own. 

Thus, to reduce your stress load, it is better to send your excess baggage beforehand and enjoy a lighter and more fun travel. So, if you are to courier excess baggage from India to Australia, then do learn the following new rates- 

  • Pick up from India and Door Delivered in Australia from $27

Now, from just $27, you will be able to ship your excess baggage from India to Australia. So grab the opportunity and if you have further queries or require assistance then let’s continue with the conversation.

Published On– Jan 09, 2024

1300 658 775

Unit 9/10 Ferngrove Place Chester Hill, NSW 2162


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