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Buy From Any Website in India, We Will Deliver Worldwide

You may now purchase your favorite items from India’s online shopping portals. We put together all your shopping in one shipment and deliver them worldwide including USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Dubai and many more.

DTDC Australia will assist you in the following way:

Pick & Ship: You already bought and got it delivered at your address in  India. We will pick and Ship them to your overseas address. 
Shop & Drop – we will provide you an Address in India to drop off your online purchase. Choose from Any Website in India. 

We Buy You Verify – You Provide your product of choice, we buy for you and deliver in your country. Why we buy, We can verify if you got the correct product from your vendor. If its not the right product, we can return them in India. We only offer this service when you nominate us to purchase on your behalf. 


ship your items to you in your country of Residence. Our hassle free support and state of the art processes is sure to make your experience fast, easy and secure.

You may now purchase your favorite items from India’s online shopping portals. We put together all your shopping in one shipment and deliver them worldwide including USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Dubai and many more.

DTDC Australia will assist you in the following way:

Pick & Ship: You already bought and got it delivered at your address in  India. We will pick and Ship them to your overseas address. 
Shop & Drop – we will provide you an Address in India to drop off your online purchase. Choose from Any Website in India. 

We Buy You Verify – You Provide your product of choice, we buy for you and deliver in your country. Why we buy, We can verify if you got the correct product from your vendor. If its not the right product, we can return them in India. We only offer this service when you nominate us to purchase on your behalf. 


ship your items to you in your country of Residence. Our hassle free support and state of the art processes is sure to make your experience fast, easy and secure.

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Shopping in India deliver to Australia

How it works:

We made it simple. Choose the best option that suits you the most. Charges are all inclusive and we provide your the

 final shipping charges once we receive all your items and get your shipment packed and ready to forward. 

1. Pick & Ship

You have completed your shopping and they are delivered to your addresse in India. You want us to Pick and Ship for you to your country of residence. We can do that. You want to add more through online shopping ? We can add them with what we picked up. That is why call Pick & Ship. 

2. Shop & Drop

You shop online from any website in India and request them to drop at our address. Provide us your product links of as many items you want to send. Even they are from different website, still Okay with us. Submit your list with us and we will do the rest.  Once We receive the product, We can put all of them in one box and ship them to you. 

3. We Buy; You Verify

You want us to verify if the delivery we got is correct. How about you need a return ? We can do all of it when you place that order here with DTDC Australia. If the product is not right, we can return to vendor and wait for the new item delivery. Once the order is complete, we ship it all together. No cost up to 7 days of storage and delays. 

4. You Pay; We Ship

We give you the final price of shipping after all the orders and collected. Any adjustment required, you finalise that at this point. We are ready to ship. Usually 5-10 Days delivery in metro city. Can be longer depending on location and country. 

So…How does this process work?

What To Remember

Please be aware that you must know if the product of your choice is allowed to enter in your country. DTDC Australia or DTDC in your country of residence is not responsible for any product refused by your customs or quarantine. 

You can buy more product and add in your shipment within 3 days after you placed order with us. We expect to recieve all your products to be delivered to us by 7 days from the day you placed your order. Storage charges will apply INR 50 per day after that for up to 25 kg. For delay due to returns and exchanges, extra 3 days are allowed after which storage charges are applicable

DTDC Australia or any DTDC in your country or residence will not be responsible for likes or dislikes of any products you decided to purchase. Any returns after delivery will be a brand new shipment and shipping cost is payable based on that and any customs duty or taxes payable at destination country or India, must be paid by shipper only. 

So…What is the Cost?

To arrange your delivery in your country of residence from India, simply click the button below and get an approximate cost. Once your shipment is ready to move from India, we will check final weight and dimensions we will give you the final price of shipping. Once your pay for your shipment we will ship your items from India. We may not be able offer all countries or all cities in any particular country and in that event we will let you know.  Click The Button below to check the cost. 

If You are a business owner and need assistance

We are eager to assist businesses in expanding their global reach by connecting them with a diverse range of clients. Don’t let the boundaries limit you. We, DTDC Australia, not only help businesses transport their products globally, whether they are new or established, but we also provide the following services:

Storage in Australia & India

When a company begins to spread its wings and is acknowledged as such, demand rises, and so do productions. We provide the option of storing your products in our warehouse.

Fulfillment in Australia & India

We also assist firms with order fulfillment, which includes inventory management, packaging, labeling, and product delivery.

Delivery Worldwide

As previously stated, don’t allow the borders limit you. We will assist you in delivering requested products to your customers, no matter how far away or close the location is. We understand and appreciate how essential your consumers are to you.
Promote your product overseas - DTDC Australia

Delivering Value Worldwide

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Feel free to contact us, DTDC Australia at 1300 658 775 or email us

1300 658 775

Unit 9/10 Ferngrove Place Chester Hill, NSW 2162


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